Windham Parks and Recreation
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WMS Early Release Days

This program is currently unavailable. Click here to view all of our current programs.

Looking for something to do on the Windham Middle School early release days? Windham Parks & Recreation offers an after school program that may include outings to local destinations, supervised games, activities and free time.

Minimum number of participants is required to run this program. 

All 2024-2025 Early Release Days

- October 10: Disc Golf at Pineland Farms
- December 11: Round 1 Bowling & Maine Mall (bowling/shoe rental, arcade games & shopping/browsing)
- February 5, 2025: Pleasant Mountain Skiing
- May 7, 2025: TBD

February 5
Location: Meet in Windham Middle School Cafeteria
Fee: $25 per person - Transportation only (Lift tickets and rental equipment will be purchased through the mountain's website)
Lunch: Bring a bag lunch or money to purchase food at the Mountain
Please Bring: Ski equipment and appropriate clothing

Please Note: SIGN UP EARLY ! Prices will increase 
on 1/22/25 and 1/29/25 - Pleasant Mountain lift prices start increasing 2 weeks before program. 

Registration will close on 1/29/25

Purchase Lift Tickets & Rentals Here!

Please note the following when purchasing a lift ticket, lesson or rental:

  1. All participants must purchase a lift ticket or have a season pass to be able to participate in this program. 
  2. Make sure you are choosing the correct lift ticket option - "Group Sales, Day Trip, Lift Tickets" 
  3. Rentals are available under the "Group Sales, Day Trip, Rental Equipment" option.
  4. Once you have registered and paid for transportation through Windham Parks & Rec, we will email you the validation code so you can purchase lift tickets and equipment. 


Season pass holders are acceptable forms of passes this year! Please provide the participants IP # on the back of the pass when completing registration for transportation.

If space allows, a late fee will be applied if registering after the registration deadline.

"Get in the Game" WMS Early Release Days
  • Informational email will be sent to parents before each program begins. Your email must be on your account and opted into email notifications to receive the informational email.
  • Participants that require to take medication during the program (including an EPIPEN or inhaler) are required to provide a Parent/Guardian's Request to Administer Medication form.
  • Participants will meet in the gym after dismissal at 10:00am.
  • The program will end at 2:00pm (unless otherwise stated) and everyone will return to the cafeteria to be dismissed.
  • Program policies can be found below, which included a phone number to reach a Windham Parks & Recreation staff member during the program.
  • If your child can no long attend the program and you need to cancel, please contact the Parks & Recreation office so we can accommodate anyone who might be on the waiting list.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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