Windham Parks and Recreation
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How to Reserve a Facility

  1. Log in to your account. If you do not have one Create a New Account.

  2. Click on Facilities from the navigation bar and select Reservation Request from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click "Start a Reservation Request".

  4. Select a location from the box under “Select a Facility”. Once you choose a facility the calendar will show in the available times for that location. Click “View Availability” to see what times are open.

  5. Blue boxes indicate that the space is already occupied. White boxes show available times. Once you click on a time it will fill in on the reservation request.  You can update the start and end times.  You can also select “Recurring” if you want you reservation to happen more than once.

  6. Click Next to add more dates or to start the checkout process.

  7. Fill in the Reservation Request Information as completely as possible. If your event is open to the public an additional Special Event Application may be required.  Also, if your event will have more than 50 people in attendance you will be required to provide proof of liability insurance.

  8. Click “Submit”