Kids in grades K-5, join Windham Parks & Recreation for fun no school days and school vacation days with games, crafts and trips to local destinations like Smitty's, Spare Time and Seacoast! We’ll start off most days with gym games, crafts and outdoor play at the Town Hall gym and park. We will have lunch and head out to the local destination for the afternoon!
Location: Windham Town Hall Gym
Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Fee: $50 per person/per day
Lunch/Pack: Please bring a cold lunch, water bottle, sneakers for gym games & appropriate clothes for outside play. See each trip for additional items needed.
October 11 - Pineland Farms (1pm-3pm) & Happy Wheels (10am-12pm)
November 27 - Urban Air
December 30 - PJ Day & Smitty's
December 31 - New Years Eve Party & Make Em Your Way (Mobile Build a Bear)
February 20 - Spare Time Bowling
February 21 - Ice Skating & Sledding
March 14 - Family Time Dine & Play
April 18 - Fun Z Trampoline Park
April 24 - Round 1 Bowling
April 25 - Smitty's
Registration closes three days before each day. December dates registration will close a week before due to holiday.
If space allows, a late fee will be applied if registering after the registration deadline.