Windham Parks and Recreation
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Paddling Adventure for Grades 5-9

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Join instructors from 
Sebago Trails Paddling Co. to spend a day on the water. Participants will have a choice between kayaks or stand up paddleboards, and will learn paddling skills, play games, and enjoy time on the water—including a stop at the beach to cool off! No previous paddling experience is necessary.

Dates: Session 1: Monday, July 8
Session 2: Monday, July 29

Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Location: Sebago Trails Paddling Co. - 1311 Roosevelt Trail, Raymond
 $70 per session
Waiver: A Sebago Trails Paddling waiver is required to participate in this program.

Participants should bring a bag lunch, water, shoes that you can get wet, sunscreen, bathing suit and a towel for swimming.

Registration closes Friday, June 21. If space allows, a late fee will be applied if registering after the registration deadline.

Additional Information
  • Registration will open Monday, April 22.
  • Campers will be transported in a RSU14 bus.
  • Non-campers must provide their own transportation for enrichment program and must sign in and out with a Parks & Recreation staff member.
  • A detailed informational email will be sent to parents before the enrichment program begins. Your email must be on your account and opted into email notifications to receive the email.
  • If the program must be canceled or rescheduled due to inclement weather or other circumstances, you will be notified via email before the class begins.
  • If your child is absent from a session, please notify the camp directly by calling Ranger:(207)572-0045 Adventure:(207)572-0034.
  • If your child can no longer attend the program and you need to cancel, please contact the Parks & Recreation office so we can accommodate anyone who might be on the waiting list.
  • Registration closes Friday, June 21. If space allows, a late fee will be applied if registering after the registration deadline.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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