Windham Parks and Recreation
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Bushido Karate
Kids from grades K-5 can learn traditional martial arts with Lisa Magiera of Bushido Karate Dojo and learn how karate makes you stronger, safer and smarter!

Fall 2024
Tuesdays, September 10 - November 26 
Windham Primary School Gym
$130 (12 Sessions); $35 for Gi (uniform)
Transportation: RSU14 will be transporting Manchester School participants to the Primary School for Karate on bus #12.

Winter 2024-25
Dates: Tuesdays, 
December 3 - March 11 (excluding 12/24/24, 12/31/24 & 2/18/25)
Windham Primary School Gym
$130 (12 Sessions); $35 for Gi (uniform)
Transportation: RSU14 will be transporting Manchester School participants to the Primary School for Karate on bus #12.

Spring 2025
Tuesdays, March 18 - June 3 (excluding 4/22/25)
Windham Primary School Gym
$120 (11 Sessions); $35 for Gi (uniform)
Transportation: RSU14 will be transporting Manchester School participants to the Primary School for Karate on bus #12.

Additional Information
  • Informational email will be sent to parents before each program session begins. Your email must be on your account and opted in to email notifications to receive the information email.
  • Please be aware of any exclusion date(s) the program may have.
  • Please notify your child's teacher of their participation in this program, as this will change in Tuesday pick-up plans.
  • Gi (uniform) is required for participants who do not already have one. Participants will receive their Gi at their first class.
  • Primary participants will be dismissed directly from their classroom to the gym and sign in with the Karate instructor. Participants will be able to change into their uniforms after they sign in with the instructor.
  • Manchester participants will be transported to Primary School on a RSU14 school bus right after school with dismissal. A Parks & Recreation staff member will meet the Manchester participants when they get off the bus at Primary and walk them to the gym. Participants will be able to change into their uniforms when they arrive at Primary School. (More information will be sent out about transportation to Primary School in the informational email before each session begins.)
  • The program ends at 4:15pm each week, please be prompt picking up your child and sign out your child with the instructor at the Primary School gym.
  • Primary, Manchester and SACC staff will receive the roster for each session so they are aware of the change in dismissal for each child.
  • If your child is participating in SACC AND goes to the Primary School, we provide a roster to the SACC director so they are aware of the changes in dismissal for each child. A SACC staff member will pick up the SACC participants in the gym at the end of Karate. Please note, we will NOT be able to transport any 4th or 5th grades back to Manchester School to participate in SACC.
  • If your child is absent from a class, please notify the Parks & Recreation office by phone or email.
  • If your child can no longer attend the program and you need to cancel, please contact the Parks & Recreation office so we can accommodate anyone who might be on the waiting list.
  • If a date must be cancelled due to inclement weather or other circumstances, you will be notified by email the day of the program. There will be no additional make up dates at Primary School if a date is cancelled. Make up dates can be done at Bushido Karate Dojo for free. Participants can also add on regular Bushido Karate Dojo classes. For more information or to contact the dojo go to

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Spring Session 
N/A K - 5 Tu  03/18/2025 - 06/03/2025
03:15 PM - 04:15 PM

Windham Primary School Gym
$120.00 Res
12 seat(s) available
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Gi (Uniform) 
N/A K - 5 Tu  06/03/2025
03:15 PM - 04:15 PM

Windham Primary School Gym
$35.00 Res
16 seat(s) available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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