Come join us for a rousing game of Bingo!
Two Mondays every month.
Bring your lucky charms, good humor and quick reactions.
Prizes to be won!
Guest Bingo Callers each week.
Refreshments will be served.
January 6 & 27
February 3 & 24
March 3 & 17
April 7 & 28
Spring Potluck April 28 - Begins at 12pm!
Dates Session II:
May 5th & 19th
June 2nd & 16th
July 7th & 21st
August 4th & 18th
Summer Potluck August 18th - Begins at 12pm!
Time: 1:00-2:30pm
Where: Town Hall Gym
Fee: Free!
All are Welcome!!!