Windham Parks and Recreation
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Lunch Bunch Register View Cart

Tired of staying in due to the cold weather?
We are here for you, come join us each month for a fun and friendly lunch date!


Dates & Locations:
Thursday Lunch, January 16 - Oak St. Bistro, Alfred
Sunday Brunch, February 23 - Frog & Turtle 
Thursday Lunch, March 6 - Lazydays - OOB
Thursday Lunch, March 20th - The Green Ladle - Lewiston ($10)

Wednesday Lunch, April 23 - Tory Hill Cafe, Buxton

Lunches: 11:00am - 3:00pm
Brunches: 10am - 1:00pm
Fee: $15 per date
Lunch/Brunch: On your own

Additional Information
  • Transportation is available if needed with 4 pickup locations: Windham Town Hall, Parks & Ride lot behind Evergreen Credit Union, Unity Gardens & New Marblehead.
  • Pickup locations must be chosen at time of registration.
  • Additional pickup locations are available upon request through Age Friendly Windham by calling 207-892-4649.
  • Pick up and drop off times may vary.
  • You will be called the day before to confirm the trip and pickup times.
  • Refunds are not given if cancelling on day of program.

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April - Tory Hill Cafe 
N/A N/A 04/23/2025
11:00 AM - 02:30 PM

$15.00 Res, $15.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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